Red Brick Chapel is a musicians collective. We are organized as a grass-roots democratic cooperative, in which all members have equal rights regarding participation and co-determination. All important decisions are made together and concordantly.
Red Brick Chapel is a record label. We release & publish our own music.
Red Brick Chapel is a family. It’s a home for brothers and sisters. And as in any family, we try to help each other wherever we can. And after all there’s only one thing that really counts: good music for good people.
If you want to get in touch with us, buy music directly from the artists or have an inquiry of any kind don’t be shy and drop us a line.
Red Brick Chapel
Musicians Collective & Record Label
Goldbrunnenstrasse 152
CH – 8055 Zürich
recordJet (Digital - Worldwide)
Irascible (Physical - Switzerland)
Member of IndieSuisse